What causes tooth loss?

Periodontal disease (more commonly known as gum disease) is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults worldwide. It targets the soft tissue around the teeth causing the gum to become infected leading to loose teeth or in worst cases, tooth loss. Another common cause of tooth loss that is prevalent amongst children is tooth decay, which is due to the consumption of too much sugar found in food and drink, and improper oral hygiene. Tooth loss can be unsightly and make you feel self-conscious whilst also making biting and chewing food difficult or painful. Fortunately, at Crofts Dental Practice we offer a permanent solution to missing teeth through dental implants Essex which provide you with a long-term alternative to traditional removable dentures or crowns.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants Essex are medical grade titanium posts which are popularly used to anchor dentures or crowns so that they may function like a natural tooth. They are surgically fixed into your jawbone whilst you are under a local anaesthetic, making them permanent provided they are looked after well after the treatment is complete.

What are the benefits of having dental implants?

Getting dental implants Essex comes with great benefits and this is supported by the increase in people who are opting for them over traditional dentures or crowns. Unlike traditional dentures, bridges and crowns that are removable, dental implants are permanently fitted into your jawbone to act like a tooth root. The jawbone then naturally fuses to the implant allowing it to function as part of it. A false tooth or crown is fitted onto the implant, matching the shade, size and shape of the remainder of your teeth, giving your set of teeth a more natural and cohesive look with no unsightly gaps in it.

Having dental implants reduces the chances of bone loss occurring; when you lose a tooth the bone tissue it was attached to is no longer stimulated and the jawbone begins to shrink in size. Over time, this can change the original shape of your face causing it to droop or make you appear older than you are. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone through regular movement carried out when chewing or biting, thereby preventing bone loss from occurring. If there is not enough bone density prior to implantation there may be the need for a bone graft to have the implants fitted.

What does the procedure entail?

If you choose to have dental implants fitted, then you must first have an initial consultation with our dentist to assess the condition of your mouth and run through a medical history to ensure you do not have any medical conditions which may affect the healing process. Our dentist will carry out 3D scans of your mouth to check you have a sufficient amount of bone to fuse to the implant. If you have already experienced bone loss, they will carry out a bone graft before they insert your implants. When fitting in an implant, our dentist will numb the area using a local anaesthetic and cut through your gum in order to drill a hole into your jawbone for the implant to be fitted into. Once the implant is fitted in, they will stitch your gum up and stop any bleeding that occurs. When healed the prosthetic tooth or teeth can be attached.