Understanding the Importance of Dentures in Essex

At Crofts Dental Practice, we understand the profound impact a beautiful, functional smile can have on your overall well-being. As experts in dental care, we are dedicated to providing our patients with high-quality dentures Essex. We aim to restore confidence and enhance the quality of life for those who have lost some or all of their natural teeth.

Dentures are more than just artificial teeth. They are crucial to maintaining oral health, facial structure, and daily functionality. Dentures play a vital role in eating, speaking, and smiling. At Crofts Dental Practice, we offer a variety of dentures tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.

Customised Denture Options to Suit Your Needs


Our journey with you begins with a thorough consultation. We take the time to understand your dental history, current condition, and personal preferences. This personalised approach ensures that we provide the best dentures Essex has to offer. During this consultation, we discuss the different types of dentures available, including full dentures, partial dentures, and implant-supported dentures.

Full dentures are suitable for patients who have lost all their natural teeth. These dentures replace all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw, or both. They rest on the gums and are held in place by natural suction or a dental adhesive. Our full dentures are designed to look natural and feel comfortable, restoring your smile and allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods again.

Partial dentures are an excellent option for those who still have some of their natural teeth. These dentures fill in the gaps created by missing teeth, preventing the remaining teeth from shifting. They consist of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-coloured plastic base, which is sometimes connected by a metal framework that holds the denture in place. At Crofts Dental Practice, we ensure that our partial dentures blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing a harmonious and functional smile.

For patients seeking a more secure and permanent solution, implant-supported dentures are an excellent choice. These dentures are anchored to dental implants, which are surgically placed into the jawbone. Implant-supported dentures offer superior stability and comfort, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Our team is highly skilled in the placement and maintenance of these advanced dentures, making us a trusted provider of dentures Essex residents can rely on.

Comprehensive Support and Maintenance for Your Dentures

We understand that adjusting to dentures can be a significant transition. At Crofts Dental Practice, we are committed to supporting you throughout this process. Our team provides detailed instructions on how to care for your dentures, ensuring they remain in excellent condition. Regular check-ups are essential, and we are always here to make any necessary adjustments to ensure a perfect fit.

Patient education is a cornerstone of our practice. We believe that informed patients make the best decisions about their dental health. During your visits, we take the time to explain the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene with dentures. This includes brushing your dentures daily, soaking them overnight in a denture-cleaning solution, and visiting us regularly for professional cleanings and examinations.

Moreover, we are here to address any concerns or questions you may have about your dentures. Whether it’s about fit, comfort, or aesthetics, our team is dedicated to ensuring your complete satisfaction. We are proud to offer dentures Essex patients trust for their reliability and quality.

At Crofts Dental Practice, we combine advanced dental technology with compassionate care to deliver exceptional results. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the smiles of our satisfied patients. If you are considering dentures, we invite you to visit us for a consultation. Let us help you restore your smile and regain your confidence with the finest dentures Essex has to offer.

In conclusion, dentures are a vital solution for those who have lost their natural teeth. They restore function, appearance, and self-esteem. At Crofts Dental Practice, we provide a range of denture options to meet the unique needs of each patient. With our expertise and personalised care, you can trust us to deliver the highest quality dentures in Essex. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident smile.

Missing a tooth?

Losing a tooth or several teeth is never a pleasant experience. Whether it is by accident, injury or even due to natural causes, having missing teeth can not only knock your confidence, but have a negative impact on your overall health if not treated. denture-essex

This is why dental practices like our own, offer dental treatments within restorative dentistry that are able to repair and replace damaged or missing teeth, and restore your smile to what it once was.

So if you are someone who is currently dealing with a dental issue such as a cracked or broken tooth, or you have lost either a tooth or several teeth, you may want to book an appointment to visit our practice, where an experienced member of our team will be able to provide you with advice and information on the best restorative dental treatment for your dental concern.

Restorative dentistry at Crofts Dental Practice

Based in Epping Essex, our surgery is a private family practice that offers dental treatments within cosmetic, general and restorative dentistry. We understand how important it is to have a smile and teeth you are happy with, which is why our team of dentists and dental professionals work hard to ensure that they provide the highest quality dental treatments for our patients.

Restorative dentistry at our practice is something we are passionate about, and we offer a wide range of dental treatments to repair and restore your smile. Over the years, with the aid of dental research and dental technology, restorative dental treatments are now more advanced and beneficial than ever before.

So if you are someone who has recently lost your teeth and you are looking for a way to replace them and restore your smile, you may want to consider one of the restorative dental treatments we offer at our practice, which is dentures Essex.

Dentures Essex

Dentures are a popular and beneficial restorative dental treatment for those who are missing several or all of their teeth. They can be either removable or fixed, and can be made from a number of materials such as plastic, acrylic resin, or porcelain.

Dentures come in different forms. For those who have lost a few teeth, partial dentures or implant-supported dentures may be recommended. For others who have lost all of their teeth, full dentures Essex will be the more suitable option given there are no healthy remaining teeth in the mouth. Whether full or partial, the dentures will be made to fit snugly in your mouth and will be custom made for each patient once impressions are taken of their mouth.

The advantages of having dentures

Replacing your teeth with dentures comes with a number of benefits. Firstly they are made to look just like your natural teeth, so this is ideal for those who may be worried about their new smile not looking as natural as possible. Dentures will also allow you to eat and speak with confidence again, without the fear of your teeth shifting or falling out unexpectedly.

Are dentures a suitable replacement for teeth?

False teeth have been around since around 700BC and were made from whatever material was available such as animal teeth, human teeth and even wood. Artificial teeth have certainly evolved from those many centuries ago. They are a quick procedure and can be typically manufactured and inserted into a patient’s mouth in anywhere from two to six weeks. Technology has developed so much that the finished article is hard to detect as not being made up of real teeth. Over time the mouth and jaw muscles tend to become weaker and false teeth provide support for these muscles. It goes without saying that a patient’s smile will improve as a toothy smile is more attractive than a gummy smile.dentures-essex

Are there different types?

Essentially, as we tell our patients, artificial teeth fall into two categories complete and partial, complete is the replacement of all the teeth. Partial will take the form of a bridge to fill the gap left after the removal of a few teeth. The partial bridge can be either removable or fixed and is usually made with a base attached to a gum coloured wire which is connected to adjacent teeth. Dentures Essex can also be either conventional or immediate. The conventional category is usually made once the gum tissue has healed after the removal of the teeth. Immediate is when manufacture takes place beforehand and they can be placed in situ once the teeth have been removed. Gums and bones shrink and naturally more adjustment will be required over time with the immediate category.

What are they made from?

Dentures Essex are constructed in three components consisting of the base, the framework and the teeth. The preferred material of choice these days for the base is acrylic resin because it has a low toxicity. The framework is responsible for ensuring that the artificial teeth and gums stay in the correct place. This component is constructed from a base metal alloy and chrome cobalt, while bridges usually consist of a base metal alloy and a flexible polymer. The teeth component is either made from acrylic resin or porcelain. Acrylic resin adheres more securely to the base and is easier to adjust if necessary. Porcelain is the easier of the two to colour match to a patient’s natural teeth and feels more like the real thing.

Will I be able to eat naturally?

It usually takes a few weeks to get used to dentures and it is recommended by us to start with soft foods cut into small pieces and to chew carefully using both sides of the mouth. Chewing gum should be avoided as well as foods that are sticky and hard. Once used to the new teeth they will eventually feel comfortable and natural.

Will my speech be affected

It is possible that certain words may not be as easy to pronounce in the beginning, but over time by practising those words repeatedly they will become as natural to pronounce as before. An annoying clicking can sometimes occur when speaking, but our dentist at Crofts Dental Practice will be able to rectify this with a minor adjustment.

Proper and careful care

When you have dentures Essex we recommend daily cleaning by brushing with a suitable cleaning product, but not toothpaste as this is abrasive. When not in use it is recommended that they be placed in a cleanser soaking solution or simply in water, but not hot water. Proper maintenance will ensure many years of trouble free use.

Beyond the mortification

Although dentures are so much more realistic looking than they used to be, denture wearers are often very self-conscious about them. They limit what you can eat in many cases, with foods getting under the plate, which has to then be washed, and they don’t have anything like the chewing power of natural teeth.

Dentures in EssexAll that can be coped with, as can having to soak them overnight in a pot. But, when they start to misbehave, sliding around in the mouth, lifting up when you yawn, coming right out if you suddenly sneeze, then it’s no longer simply a bit embarrassing, it can be absolutely mortifying. Dental adhesives are meant to hold loose dentures in place, but it can be messy fiddling around with glue, and it doesn’t always last long. The trouble is that without something in the jawbone to stimulate cell renewal, the bones shrink away and so do the gums. This is why you can end up having to have your denture relined so often.

But what can you do? Well, you can get loose dentures stabilised with dental implants. At Crofts Dental Practice in Essex, loose dentures can be such a drain on our patients, and we all love the transformation in their enjoyment of life when they decided to get their dentures stabilised with dental implants.

We insert 2–4 dental implants into your jawbone and attach special fittings to them that your dentures go onto.

We can even customise your current dentures to have the right fittings to be attached to the implants, so there is no need to invest in new ones, unless you want to.

You still use your dentures in the same way, taking them out to clean them and to rest your gums at night, but during the day, you will be amazed at how much better they perform. Once again, you will be able to eat foods that may have been off the menu for years, and you will be able to chat and laugh without one part of you always on alert for the wobble. What a relief!

No more loose dentures in Essex – denture stabilisation with dental implants

Patients who have been wearing dentures for years, find that they often tend to become loose and uncomfortable to wear over time. Loose dentures can also be painful or create mouth ulcers and sores. This can lead to difficulties in speaking and eating and force patients to withdraw from any type of social engagement.

Dental implants could be the answer to loose dentures in Essex. At Crofts Dental Practice, we can fix your denture to your jaw with dental implants. This treatment, also known as denture stabilisation, offers patients with dentures a permanent solution to tooth loss and can improve their quality of life significantly by helping restore their chewing and biting ability.

Loose Dentures in EssexWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are small titanium posts that are surgically inserted into the jawbone to support missing tooth roots. Dental implants have the ability to fuse with the jawbone, preventing its further deterioration and encouraging the growth of new bone tissue. Eventually, they create a stable and permanent base for replacement teeth such as crowns, dentures or bridges.

Denture stabilisation

Denture stabilisation is an innovative procedure that involves using dental implants to keep the denture in place. As part of this treatment, you will require surgery to have dental implants fixed into your jaw. Depending on the quality of your jawbone and other factors, you many require from 2-4 dental implants per dental arch in order to achieve stability and permanence. Once your implants have integrated with the bone and surrounding tissues for a period of time, your dentist will place the dentures on top of the implants through special clip-ons. This way you can still remove your dentures for cleaning, but will stay put once in place. In some cases, you may have the option to fix your dentures permanently into your mouth.

Benefits of denture stabilisation

Denture stabilisation offers many benefits. Firstly, the dental implants provide a stable base for the dentures, meaning that there is no risk of them coming loose. Implant-supported dentures restore oral functions such as chewing and biting, and allow patients to eat in public and socialise without worrying about their dentures slipping or coming loose.