The benefits of modern white fillings at our dental clinic

When it comes to repairing cavities and other minor damage to your teeth, you have a few options to choose from. At our dental clinic, we are proud to offer modern white fillings Essex as a flexible and aesthetically pleasing solution. Here’s what you need to know about this popular treatment option from our dentist at Crofts Dental Practice.


What are composite fillings?

White fillings Essex, also known as composite resin fillings, are made of a mixture of plastic and fine glass particles. They are called ‘white’ fillings because they can be matched to the colour of your natural teeth, making them virtually invisible once placed. This is in contrast to traditional metal fillings, which are silver or gold in colour and stand out in your mouth.

How are these fillings placed?

The process of placing a white filling is similar to that of a metal filling. First, we will numb the area around the cavity to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Then, we will remove any decay from the tooth and clean it to prepare it for the filling.

Next, we will place the composite resin into the cavity and shape it to match the contours of your tooth. We will then use a special light to harden the filling, after which we will make any necessary final adjustments to ensure a seamless fit. The entire process typically takes just one visit to our office.

What are the benefits of enamel-coloured fillings?

There are several benefits to choosing composite fillings over traditional metal fillings such as the aesthetics. As mentioned, composite fillings are nearly invisible once placed, making them a great option for filling cavities in highly visible areas of the mouth. Modern composite fillings are  just as strong as metal fillings, if not stronger. This means they can effectively support and protect your teeth for many years to come.

Metal fillings can sometimes contain trace heavy metals, which has raised concerns about them; composite fillings, on the other hand, are heavy metal-free.

These fillings can be used to repair a variety of issues, including cavities, chipped teeth, and even small gaps between teeth. They are a versatile solution for maintaining the health and appearance of your smile.

Are composite fillings right for me?

White fillings Essex are a great option for many patients, but they may not be suitable for everyone. The size and location of the cavity, as well as the overall health of your teeth and gums, will be taken into consideration when determining the best treatment option for you.

If you are interested in composite fillings or have any questions about this treatment option, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team. We will be happy to assess your needs and help you make an informed decision about your dental care.

In conclusion, modern composite fillings are a versatile and aesthetically pleasing solution for repairing cavities and other minor dental issues. If you need a filling, be sure to consider this option and speak with our team to determine if it is the right fit for you.

Helping nervous patients overcome dental anxiety at our clinic

The prevalence of dental anxiety


It’s not uncommon for nervous patients Essex to feel anxious about visiting our dentist. In fact, studies estimate that up to 20% of patients experience some form of dental anxiety. This can range from mild nervousness to severe phobia, and it can be triggered by a variety of factors, including the fear of pain, the fear of needles or injections, or even the fear of losing control while in the dental chair.

At our clinic, Crofts Dental Practice, we understand that dental anxiety is a real and valid concern, and we are committed to helping nervous patients Essex feel as comfortable as possible during their appointments. We believe that everyone deserves to receive the dental care they need in a secure and supportive environment and we work hard to create a welcoming and calming atmosphere for all of our patients.

How we address dental anxiety at our clinic

There are several ways that we help our patients feel more at ease throughout their visits to our clinic. One of the most successful strategies is simply to listen to our patients’ concerns and offer reassurance. We take the extra time to explain each step of the treatment process in detail, and we are happy to fully answer any questions or address any fears that our patients may have.

Another important aspect of helping anxious patients is to provide a range of sedation options. Depending on the severity of their anxiety, we may recommend oral sedation, or even intravenous (IV) sedation. These options allow patients to feel more relaxed and comfortable during their appointments and can make it easier for them to receive the care they need.

In addition to these measures, we also try to create a welcoming and calming atmosphere in our clinic. We have comfortable chairs, soothing music, and a friendly and compassionate team of dental professionals. These elements can all contribute to a more positive experience for our patients, and can help to reduce their anxiety levels.

Tips for managing dental anxiety

While we do everything we can to help our nervous patients Essex feel comfortable during their appointments, there are also steps that anxious patients can take to manage their anxiety themselves. Some strategies that may be helpful include finding a dental office that feels welcoming and comfortable, and arranging appointments at a time of day when you are feeling most relaxed. You can talk to a trusted friend or family member about your fears, or bring them with you to your appointment.

When attending your appointment you can bring a comfort object with you, listen to calming music or take deep breaths during your time in the dentist chair. Many people use relaxation strategies too, many of which can be found online.

By implementing these s, anxious patients can take an active role in managing their dental anxiety and feel more in control of the situation.

The importance of receiving dental care

At our clinic, we are committed to helping anxious patients overcome their fears and receive the dental care they need. We are here to support you and help you feel as comfortable as possible during your visit.

Feel empowered to smile with confidence thanks to dental implants

Do you feel self-conscious when you smile? Are there things you would like to change about the current appearance of your teeth? Do you want to boost your confidence and regain your ability to smile freely and broadly? Consider dental implants Essex.


Here at Crofts Dental Practice, we offer patients the opportunity to have dental implants Essex. It’s an effective way to restore your smile and discreetly replace missing or loose teeth. Our dental team is excited to play a part in your smile makeover and has helped several patients to upgrade their smiles with incredible results.

Consider dental implants Essex for natural-looking results

One of the main advantages of treatment with dental implants is that the treatment is very discreet and offers natural-looking results. The implants can be colour-matched to blend in with the shade and size of your surrounding teeth, making the implants barely noticeable.

Our team here at Crofts Dental Practice is passionate about dentistry and looks forward to delivering happy, healthy smiles thanks to the modern advances of dental implant surgery. If you or a loved one is contemplating having dental implants fitted and have a few queries about the process, feel free to reach out to us anytime. We are on hand to assist you and happy to answer any questions you may have.

Choose from single-tooth and multiple-teeth dental implants at Crofts

Did you know that it’s possible to have a single-tooth implant as well as multiple-teeth dental implants fitted when looking for a replacement? Our qualified team of dental practitioners can create a customised treatment plan to suit your needs and specific goals so that you can feel comfortable with your new smile.

Dental implants can improve your speech and ability to communicate clearly

Another advantage of dental implants to replace missing or loose teeth is that the implant can help to improve your pronunciation. Some patients find that they may be negatively affected by having missing teeth and experience difficulty when trying to pronounce certain words. Your tongue and teeth work closely together to pronounce certain sounds and phrases, and this could be affected when you have missing or loose teeth. Thanks to dental implants, your speech can be restored, and you may find you can communicate clearly and effectively once more.

Dental implant surgery only requires local anaesthesia

For those patients who may feel nervous at the prospect of surgery for the dental implants to be fitted, fear not, as the surgery only requires a local anaesthetic. The treatment has been clinically proven to be safe and will take place in a sterile environment at our dental practice. Following the surgery, patients find that they may feel minor discomfort but no major pain. To manage any discomfort, patients can use over-the-counter painkillers.

If you feel that you may benefit from treatment with dental implants, reach out to our friendly receptionist to arrange a consultation with us. We would be happy to assess your teeth to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for dental implants and create a customised treatment plan.

Looking for professional teeth whitening? Our dentist at Crofts Dental Practice can help

If you’re considering having your teeth whitened, visit us at Crofts Dental Practice and enjoy teeth whitening Essex with one of our dental practitioners. Now you can enjoy an instant upgrade to your smile with a quick visit to our practice in Essex. It’s an effective way to boost your smile and can be performed as a treatment before a special occasion, such as a wedding or family gathering, or as a treatment to improve the appearance of your teeth.


Enjoy a glowing smile with instant results

Teeth whitening Essex offers patients several benefits. One of the many benefits is that the results will be visible immediately after the treatment. The procedure is quick and will result in no downtime, so you can resume your daily activities or return to work without having to experience any major disruptions. In addition, the treatment will be comfortable, which may bring peace of mind to nervous patients who may be delaying treatment out of fear.

A large majority of over-the-counter dental whitening kits that you can apply at home are costly and may leave patients feeling disappointed with the final results. Here at Crofts Dental Practice, we offer at-home dental whitening kits that offer incredible results and have received positive responses from our patients.

One of the options for a kit you can use at home is from Enlighten; this choice is slightly more costly than other at-home kits available as it requires a visit to our dental practice. Patients will receive custom-made whitening trays that will be made based on their specific needs and measurements. This treatment has grown in popularity over the years and is even used today by a few A-list Hollywood actors.

The Enlighten home kit also includes branded toothpaste, which must be applied before the treatment takes place. The custom-made trays must then be fitted directly onto the patient’s teeth. Over two weeks, the patient will need to apply a whitening gel using a syringe. Following the two weeks, the patient will need to visit our practice on day 15 for a dental whitening session. Our dentist will complete the final step of the process, which includes a booster to increase the overall glow; this will ensure longer-lasting results for a truly glowing smile.

Improve your self-confidence with dental whitening

Patients who choose to have teeth whitening Essex can also look forward to enjoying improved self-confidence thanks to their upgraded smiles. If you suffer from discolouration or visible staining that cannot be removed by regular brushing, it may cause you to feel embarrassed to smile freely. Thanks to dental whitening, your smile will be instantly upgraded, and you can enjoy a professional clean followed by the bleaching process. The professional cleaning will also help to strengthen your teeth and improve the health of your gums and overall well-being, which is an added bonus.

Side effects of dental whitening treatment

The good news is that there are no major side effects associated with patients who choose to have their teeth professionally whitened. There is also no risk of any major pain or discomfort. In a few instances, patients have experienced some sensitivity following the treatment, but this is fairly common and can be easily overcome with the help of over-the-counter painkillers.

Helping people live with sensitive teeth Essex

If you are one of a large number of adults in the UK who experience severe shooting pain in their teeth when drinking hot coffee or biting into ice cream, then you need to know that you do not have to live with this experience as help is available to help you at your local dental practice.


Let’s make it clear from the start that having sensitive teeth is not necessarily a sign that you are not looking after your teeth correctly or that you are living with poor oral hygiene standards. Dental sensitivity is a condition that affects many adults who brush their teeth twice a day as recommended by their dentists. You need to be aware that there are many reasons you could be suffering from this uncomfortable condition, and the best way forward is to allow a trained dental professional to examine your teeth and gums. This should help you identify the root cause of any discomfort that you may be living with.

At Crofts Dental Practice, we have a wide variety of experiences when it comes to helping patients with sensitive teeth Essex, and we are confident that we will be able to help you.

Understanding the cause

Understanding the main causes of sensitive teeth Essex can often help you to avoid doing anything to make your discomfort any worse. This understanding may lead you to carry out activities that improve the health of your teeth and gums and effectively reduce any sensitivity that you may experience.

One of the biggest causes of sensitivity in your teeth could be the enamel that forms the outer layer of your teeth is eroded or damaged in some other way; this could be that you have chipped a tooth without knowing. The main cause of tooth erosion is foods that are heavy in sugar or acid content, as these sugars or acids may start to attack the outer layer of your teeth and start to create small holes or cracks in your tooth’s protective shell that may leave the nerve of your tooth slightly exposed.

While we are aware that there are a number of toothpaste brands that are available via supermarkets and chemists across the United Kingdom that can help to decrease sensitivity in your teeth, we would argue that they should not be used in isolation if you want the best results. For this reason, we would urge you to seek out professional help and advice if you wish to find a long-term solution to any issue you are experiencing with your teeth.

Starting to change

There is absolutely no need for you to go through life with sensitive teeth Essex when there are treatments available at your local dentist that could reduce or alleviate any sensitivity you may be feeling in your teeth. To start to make a change, you should contact our dental clinic to find out how we can help you.

The Crofts Dental Practice is a modern, professional and friendly dentist in Epping.

Understanding the need for root canals Essex

Let’s be honest, none of us really enjoy the thought of having to undergo dental treatment because, for most of us, the thought of someone poking around in our mouths with their fingers and medical instruments is an uncomfortable one. These thoughts may lead you to decide not to visit your local dental practice to undergo your oral checks and receive any treatment you may need. This may then put you at greater risk of developing a serious oral health issue that may require invasive dental treatment.


One of the most complicated issues that your teeth could develop is an abscess or infection that finds its way to the inside of your tooth, where the soft tissue of your tooth is contained. If this tissue becomes infected, you may find yourself living with severe pain and discomfort; this may only get worse if left untreated and could also spread to other teeth and parts of your mouth, causing further complications when it comes to treatment.

At Crofts Dental Practice, we know that the words root canals Essex can invoke some negative reactions when heard a loud; this is due to a lack of understanding about what these treatments are and how they are used. You may not like the idea of undergoing one of these treatments, but if you have a tooth infection, then this may be the best way to save your tooth and prevent the infection from spreading.

Why use this treatment

The outside of your tooth is covered with a hard enamel shell, which gives the tooth its size and shape. The hard shell can protect the inner layers like the dentin and the pulp chamber.

Inside the chamber is the soft tissue called the pulp, which feeds the roots of the tooth with the nutrients needed as it grows. The role of this pulp is less important once a tooth is fully grown as it will gain nourishment from the tissue surrounding it.

If the pulp inside one of your teeth is infected, you can develop a severe toothache, and treatment may be needed at the heart of the tooth to remove the infected pulp. This may lead our dentist to use root canals Essex as this may be the best course of treatment for your teeth.

Knowing the warning signs

It may be useful for you to know the warning signs that the pulp inside one of your teeth has become infected. Sudden and severe toothache, prolonged tooth sensitivity to hot and cold items, discolouration of the tooth, or increased sensitivity in the gum tissue surrounding the tooth could all be warning signs of the pulp of your tooth being infected.

If you find that you are suffering from any of the above warning signs, then we would recommend that you contact our clinic so that we can arrange an appointment where we can examine your teeth.

Root canals Essex are not to be feared; you need to see them as just another dental treatment that could help you.

The Crofts Dental Practice is a modern, professional and friendly dentist in Epping.

How to prevent gum disease from happening and keep your fresh breath

Most people know that brushing and flossing their teeth is important to maintain fresh breath Essex, but many don’t know that gum disease is a common dental problem. Gum disease can be caused by many factors, such as poor oral hygiene, smoking and diabetes, and its symptoms include swollen, red or bleeding gums and bad breath. Gum disease can be treated with antibiotics, mouthwash and surgery.


What is gum disease, and what are the symptoms?

Gum disease is an advanced infiltration of the gum tissue by bacteria it causes inflammation in the short term giving the gum a dark red colour and over time the swollen tissue becomes spongy and dies, receding.

To prevent gum disease from happening, it is important to practise good oral hygiene habits. This means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily and visiting your dentist regularly. If you are a smoker, quitting smoking is also essential for preventing gum disease. And if you have diabetes, controlling your blood sugar levels can help reduce your risk of developing gum disease.

The outcome of gum disease

If left untreated, gum disease can cause tooth loss and other health problems. This outcome of receding gums can lead to bacteria getting into the bloodstream and causing infections. Gum disease is also linked to other health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Once the surface of the root is exposed, it can also become sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. It is important to see a dentist if you think you might have gum disease so that it can be treated before it causes any further problems.

In the long term, the loss of gum tissue around the root of the tooth can create spaces called periodontal pockets. These pockets trap bacteria and plaque and are difficult to clean. The bacteria in the pocket can eventually break down the bone around the tooth, causing the tooth to become loose and eventually fall out.

Gum disease is a serious condition that should not be ignored.

Gum disease and bad breath

Bad breath is one of the most common symptoms of gum disease. It can be caused by bacteria in the mouth that accumulates on the teeth and gums. The bad odour can also be caused by food particles that become trapped in the teeth and gums. Fresh breath Essex can be maintained by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, using mouthwash and avoiding foods that cause bad breath.

Treatment for gum disease

The most common treatment for gum disease is antibiotics. Oral antibiotics are usually prescribed, such as amoxicillin, doxycycline or metronidazole. These antibiotics kill the bacteria that cause the infection. Mouthwash may also be prescribed to help kill the bacteria and reduce inflammation. Surgery may also be necessary to remove the infected tissue and restore the health of the gums.

Management of gum disease and maintenance of fresh breath Essex is a long-term process. Even after the infection has been cleared, you will need to continue to practise good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly to prevent the gum disease from coming back.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. While they may not be right for everyone, they can last for years with proper care. Dental implants Essex are essentially artificial teeth that can be implanted into your jawbone. They can last a long time, but how long they last depends on a variety of factors, such as how well you take care of them, your oral hygiene habits, and the type of implant you get. Generally, dental implants can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years with proper care.


What are dental implants, and how do they work?

Dental implants Essex are one of the most popular ways to replace missing teeth. They are made of titanium and are placed directly into the jawbone. Over time, the implant will fuse with the bone and act as a tooth root. Implants can be used to replace a single tooth or a whole set of teeth.

Implants work by replacing the roots of missing teeth. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone begins to shrink, and this can lead to problems with the alignment and stability of other teeth. Implants provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth, which helps to preserve the structure of the jawbone and prevent further shrinkage.

The benefits of dental implants

Implants are a popular choice for many people because they offer a number of benefits. Implants are made of titanium, which is biocompatible, meaning that it is compatible with the body; this makes dental implants a good choice for patients who have problems with their natural teeth or wear dentures.

Dental implants Essex are very strong and can last for many years. They are also very stable, meaning that they do not move around in the mouth as dentures do. This makes them a good choice for people who eat a lot of tough foods or who grind their teeth at night.

Implants are also a good choice for people who want to improve their appearance. Implants look like natural teeth and can help to improve the appearance of someone’s smile.

How long do they last

Implants last a long time if they are taken care of properly. You should brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. You should also see your dentist every six months for a check-up.

Factors that affect the lifespan of dental implants

There are several factors that can affect the lifespan of implants, including the patient’s oral hygiene habits, the type of implant used, and the surrounding bone density.

Oral hygiene is extremely important when it comes to dental implants. Patients need to brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to keep the implant site clean and free of bacteria.

Finally, the crown installed on top of the implant can also affect its lifespan. Crowns made of porcelain or ceramic tend to last longer than those made of metal; they can be replaced as needed without disrupting the implant.

What are the benefits of orthodontics?

It is an old assumption that teeth straightening treatments are mostly for children and teenagers. Modern dentistry has made orthodontics Essex available to help adult patients improve their oral health and perfect their smiles.


At Crofts Dental Practice, we offer quality orthodontics Essex to help patients achieve a healthier mouth and straighter smile. The first thing patients associate with wearing braces is fixing a crooked smile, but this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of benefits to orthodontics Essex.

Advantages of seeking orthodontic treatment

Improved dental function is an important benefit that should not be overlooked. Bite problems can result in pain when biting and chewing. In addition to discomfort and pain, patients may not be able to eat certain foods, which puts a restriction on meeting their full nutritional needs. Wearing braces to correct bite function can greatly improve a patient’s eating ability without pain and discomfort.

Achieve improved dental health for the long term. There are many risks to dental health from dental caries to gum disease to damaged teeth. It may surprise patients, but orthodontics can help with all these unwanted dental conditions.

Poor oral hygiene, which is a major cause of most dental complaints, is due to orthodontic problems like crooked teeth and overcrowding. These conditions increase the difficulties of tooth brushing and flossing. When teeth alignment is corrected, patients will find it easier to clean their teeth and maintain good oral hygiene, minimising the chances of dental diseases developing in the future.

When dental health improves, the state of physical health does too. One of the least understood roles of good oral health is protecting physical health. When poor oral hygiene leads to an overrun of bad bacteria in the mouth resulting in gum disease, there is a heightened risk of the patient developing systemic chronic conditions, which can be fatal.

Heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and other inflammatory conditions have been linked to bad bacteria that escape the oral cavity to enter deeper into the body through the bloodstream. Straightening the dental arch to make cleaning teeth more effective reduces the chance of bad bacteria overwhelming the mouth.

Range of orthodontic treatments

To encourage adult patients to consider orthodontics for enhanced oral health and function, we have available several discreet teeth straightening devices. The list of our modern orthodontics solutions includes Invisalign, Inman Aligner, Lingual braces, and Six Month Smiles.

Invisible braces are so named because they are less noticeable when worn on teeth. There are different ways to disguise the presence of braces. Some resemble aligner trays made from clear plastic material, while others look like traditional braces but are positioned behind teeth where they are out of sight.

Another benefit of modern orthodontics is that many treatment methods offer a shorter duration period. One such is the Six Month Smile which takes an average time of six months to produce desired results. Patients should be aware that this treatment plan may not be applicable to treat major orthodontic problems.

To find out more about modern orthodontic treatments to enhance smiles, come and talk to us at Crofts Dental Practice. Contact our friendly front desk team to book an appointment.

What is the importance of preventative dentistry?

An important field of dentistry we offer at our modern Crofts Dental Practice is preventative dentistry Essex. Many patients will be familiar with the dentist’s role in treating dental diseases but unfamiliar with how professional dental care is also about preventing diseases from developing. This role of dentists is referred to as preventative dentistry Essex.


Preventative dentistry Essex involves all those treatment plans and techniques that put a stop to symptoms from progressing into full-blown problems. For example, a dentist may suggest deep dental cleaning procedures to remove plaque deposits that threaten the health and integrity of tooth enamel. Leave plaque deposits to accumulate on teeth, and soon cavities will begin to form on teeth resulting in tooth decay.

Proper at-home oral hygiene obligations together with the choice to opt for preventive dentistry techniques will help patients avoid problems such as gum disease, tooth loss and chronic bad breath.

To better understand the importance of preventive dentistry, we go over the weightiest reasons to seek preventive dental treatments.

Reasons why preventive dentistry is important

Treating dental problems early will help you save on dental care costs. Patients mostly concern themselves with what routine trips to the dentist will cost them but fail to consider the impact of not scheduling these appointments.

Without proper professional dental care, it is without a doubt that oral health will deteriorate at some point; this will then mean spending much more on treating dental problems in advanced stages than it would be to pay for preventive treatments.

Not to mention the debilitating pain that often accompanies dental problems. Preventive dentistry is said to cost patients less in dental care costs, save time by avoiding protracted treatment durations and escape the pain experienced due to dental complaints.

Get the health of your teeth checked. Many symptoms that indicate teeth and gum health are at risk cannot be identified by the patient. It is not just toothache or inflamed and bleeding gums that foretell a dental problem is in the making. There are other signs that only an experienced and knowing dentist’s eye can easily discern red flags – red flags such as tooth discolouration, weakening of enamel and problems that exist below the gum line.

Dental exams protect physical health in unexpected ways. Patients with poor oral health, especially those suffering from serious gum disease conditions, often have other medical complaints with heart and lung health.

Bacteria that give rise to gum disease also trigger inflammation in the body as well as clog up blood vessels to increase the risk of blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes. Preventive dentistry that protects gum health work to the benefit of heart and lung health too.

Get reliable advice and guidance on how to employ preventive dental techniques at home. Patients must not forget that it is their own behaviour at home that also dictates how healthy the condition of their mouths remains.

Tooth brushing and flossing, using a good fluoride toothpaste brand and limiting the frequent consumption of acidic and sugar-rich foods and beverages are all recommended preventive techniques patients can use at home to minimise the occurrence of dental problems.

Find out more in a visit to our dentist at Crofts Dental Practice. Make a quick call to the reception desk to schedule a consultation.