How to prevent gum disease from happening and keep your fresh breath

Most people know that brushing and flossing their teeth is important to maintain fresh breath Essex, but many don’t know that gum disease is a common dental problem. Gum disease can be caused by many factors, such as poor oral hygiene, smoking and diabetes, and its symptoms include swollen, red or bleeding gums and bad breath. Gum disease can be treated with antibiotics, mouthwash and surgery.


What is gum disease, and what are the symptoms?

Gum disease is an advanced infiltration of the gum tissue by bacteria it causes inflammation in the short term giving the gum a dark red colour and over time the swollen tissue becomes spongy and dies, receding.

To prevent gum disease from happening, it is important to practise good oral hygiene habits. This means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily and visiting your dentist regularly. If you are a smoker, quitting smoking is also essential for preventing gum disease. And if you have diabetes, controlling your blood sugar levels can help reduce your risk of developing gum disease.

The outcome of gum disease

If left untreated, gum disease can cause tooth loss and other health problems. This outcome of receding gums can lead to bacteria getting into the bloodstream and causing infections. Gum disease is also linked to other health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Once the surface of the root is exposed, it can also become sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. It is important to see a dentist if you think you might have gum disease so that it can be treated before it causes any further problems.

In the long term, the loss of gum tissue around the root of the tooth can create spaces called periodontal pockets. These pockets trap bacteria and plaque and are difficult to clean. The bacteria in the pocket can eventually break down the bone around the tooth, causing the tooth to become loose and eventually fall out.

Gum disease is a serious condition that should not be ignored.

Gum disease and bad breath

Bad breath is one of the most common symptoms of gum disease. It can be caused by bacteria in the mouth that accumulates on the teeth and gums. The bad odour can also be caused by food particles that become trapped in the teeth and gums. Fresh breath Essex can be maintained by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, using mouthwash and avoiding foods that cause bad breath.

Treatment for gum disease

The most common treatment for gum disease is antibiotics. Oral antibiotics are usually prescribed, such as amoxicillin, doxycycline or metronidazole. These antibiotics kill the bacteria that cause the infection. Mouthwash may also be prescribed to help kill the bacteria and reduce inflammation. Surgery may also be necessary to remove the infected tissue and restore the health of the gums.

Management of gum disease and maintenance of fresh breath Essex is a long-term process. Even after the infection has been cleared, you will need to continue to practise good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly to prevent the gum disease from coming back.