Natural look, natural function, dental implants Essex

Technology has allowed the dental industry to evolve rapidly, improving existing techniques and creating new products. Crofts Dental Practice has been providing dental services to the local community as well as patients from London and Hertfordshire for more than 30 years. The practice itself has evolved over this time, offering new treatments to our range to meet the demands of our patients. One of those treatments is dental implants Essex, which allows our patients to replace lost teeth with a very realistic prosthetic that looks and performs as well as natural teeth.


Let us be your guide you decide!

You may have lost a tooth because of an accident, ill health or poor oral hygiene. Whatever the reason is, it is advisable to replace the lost tooth as soon as possible. Our friendly team has a great deal of experience with patients with lost teeth who never realised the consequences of just living with the situation.

When you visit us, we will conduct a thorough examination of your oral cavity using some of the latest dental equipment. We will discuss our findings with you and advise you on your options. There are several implant options, ranging from one tooth replacement to your entire dental arches being replaced. Your condition will dictate the best option, and the final choice is always yours; however, you need to know and understand how you can benefit from the correct treatment.

There are numerous consequences of tooth loss, and here are a few. When you lose a tooth, your remaining teeth will tend to drift because they no longer have the support of the lost tooth. The tooth that drifts can cause its roots to become unstable and work its way loose, which can lead to toothache and eventual loss; this will further exacerbate the problem, and the neighbouring tooth will start to drift. Your bite will become affected because your teeth have become misaligned, and your face may appear sunken in the area where your tooth has been lost. You could even start to experience gum disease, which can lead to the loss of more teeth. Depending on where in your mouth the tooth has been lost, you may find it difficult to pronounce certain words.

Safe and stable solution

We have helped many of our patients to enjoy the benefits of a full set of teeth using dental implants Essex. This safe, proven system is so effective that it looks and feels as if you never lost a tooth. Our team has become so adept at this procedure that they can colour-match and shape your crown so that it is indiscernible from your natural teeth. Unfortunately, bridges and dentures do not stimulate the growth of your jawbone as dental implants Essex does because they rest on top of your gums, whereas implants are placed into your jawbone.

Meticulous care and precision

The cone beam scans and 3D x-ray equipment we use can allow us to precisely identify the location to place your artificial root; this is important to ensure that your bite is in alignment with your natural teeth. After this initial procedure, there is normally a period of a few months to give the implant time to fuse with your bone and for your gum to heal. There are certain cases where we can insert the implant and fit your new crown all on the same day. A full set of teeth can be supported by just four dental implants. The procedure is normally conducted under local anaesthesia, but if you require sedation, this is available too.


Once you have received your final crown, our team will advise you on what you can eat and when you will be able to return to eating the foods that you like. Cleaning and brushing as normal will help you maintain your natural teeth and implant.